Typical E-Filing issues

APPEARANCES: Attorneys are not adding themselves into the case when E-filing an Appearance form. Failure to do so will prevent the attorney from receiving notices in Odyssey.

CASE TYPES: Attorneys need to be aware of which Case Type they are filing. Failure to do so will result in an Order from the Judge to change the case to the proper case type which will delay filings and any action needed. (example. A “CC” case is filed. After inspection of the Complaint it is found to actually be a “MF” case type.)

DOCUMENTS: Attorney’s need to be aware that the case number on the document matches the case number they are E-filing into. They also need to be aware that the location on the document states “Lake County” and not a different county. Failure to do so will result in your document being stricken from the record and also causes confusion on the Docket.

MULTIPLE DOCUMENTS: Attorney’s need to be aware when filing multiple documents (ex. One Motion and Order) that they need to be filed separately as “Lead Documents” and NOT as “Attachments”. Failure to do so will result in your document being stricken from the record and also causes confusion on the Docket.

PROPOSED ORDER/NOTICE: Any document that is filed as a Proposed Order or Proposed Notice it will NOT be electronically filed stamped by Odyssey. (Example: if you are filing a Motion, but select ‘Proposed Order’ when you E-file that Motion will not be file stamped)